Boort Show Highlights

Here is a recap on Boort Show​. VAS would love to hear from the Shows about what were the highlights of your 2019 Show. Send it through to with a few photos.

This year's Boort show was a great success. It's fantastic to be able to hold an event like this that can reflect on our community as a whole. A place where we can create and celebrate life in Boort from an agricultural, business and a social point of view.

Our pavilions were brimming with an extensive array of produce, art, cooking & handcrafts, all of a fantastic standard.

The Horse events, Dog trials, Sculpture competition, Dog jumping and the Annual Blade & Machine Shear, were popular attractions.

This year we were lucky enough to have the 1st Annual Boort Truck Show incorporated into our show. This showcased an exceptional selection of over 70 trucks on display, ranging from vintage to modern day trucks.

The kids were kept entertained all day with carnival rides, side shows, competitions and a roving Magician/balloonist. The day was capped off with the band and fireworks.

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